There will be a
meeting to discuss potential changes to the current Artificial Lures Only,Trophy
Trout special regulation areas on the Monocacy and Saucon Creeks. If you
have questions or concerns, please attend the meeting to find out more.
Meeting to be held at Hellertown Sportsman's Club located at 1793 Meadows
Rd, Hellertown PA 18055 (be advised that Meadows Rd is closed at the
Saucon Creek bridge near 412 so you must approach the club from the
The time will be 6:00
pm on the evening of Monday July 18th.
From the PFBC, "The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
Commission has established a Trout Slot Limit program. There are two
sub-programs designated as: All-Tackle Trout Slot Limit and Artificial
Lures Only Trout Slot limit. These subprograms will provide the
Commission with the ability to select the most appropriate tackle
option to achieve biological and social objectives for each water
considered for inclusion in the program. Principal intent for these
regulations are to support potential increase of large trout abundance in
the creek population while providing anglers opportunity for limited
harvest. The slot limit allows for year-round fishing, and the harvest
of two (2) trout (combined species) per day that are at least seven (7)
inches but less than 12 inches in length, from opening day of the regular
season for trout through Labor Day, with no harvest permitted the remainder
of the year.
The Commission
considers Monocacy Creek Section 07 (upstream boundary to Gertrude Fox
Conservation Area, 40.664551,-75.377373 to Illicks Mill Dam, 40.642223,
-75.382225) and Saucon Creek Section 05 (0.38-mi upstream High
St./Seidersville Rd bridge, 40.586944,-75.347222 to Hellertown Rd (SR 412)
bridge, 40.607778,- 75.339444) as potential candidates for inclusion to the
Trout Slot Limit program. Presently, both of these sections are Commission
approved, designated Class A wild Brown Trout populations, managed
under the Artificial Lures Only, Trophy Trout regulations. We believe the
Trout Slot Limit program would continue to support angler experiences for
catching trophy-sized trout, while offering opportunity for limited
harvest, if desirable, by individual anglers for smaller, quality-sized
As an initial
first step, the Commission is seeking angler opinion input from various
enthusiasts clubs for putting the sections of Monocacy and Saucon creeks
into the Trout slot Limit program."