Trout Unlimited and Orvis will be teaming up for an Embrace- a- Stream project challenge which runs for 1 week, Nov. 6 thru the 12th. Individuals who donate as little as $10, can help the Forks Chapter win their share of an additional $50,000 in prize money.
Here's how it works:
Starting Nov. 6th you can go to this website: https://embraceastream.org/projects/forks-of-the-delaware and make a donation via credit card directly to the project. The Chapter will use that money and any prizes awarded to fund the project.
- Prizes are based on the total number of gifts, and the total amount raised and are awarded from a $50,000 prize pool provided by Orvis and Trout Unlimited. All projects are broken into one of three categories - small, medium and large (based on chapter membership size) - so that each project is competing against similarly sized organizations. The prize structure is as follows for each of the three size categories:
- Most Unique Donors - $5,000 prize
- Most Money Raised - $2,500 prize
- Most gifts of $25 or Higher - $1,500 prize
- Most gifts of $10 to $24.99 - $1,000 prize
In addition, there are prizes of $100, $250 and $500 that will be given out throughout the week to randomly selected donations. For example, a total of 42 randomly selected $10 donations will unlock prizes of $100 and a total of 21 randomly selected $50 donations will unlock prizes of $500. You never know when your donation - no matter the size - will unlock one of these random prizes!
Bushkill Creek Restoration Assessment and Prioritization Project
A “Class A” trout fishery, The Bushkill Creek flows some 16
miles from its headwaters in the Blue Mountains to its confluence with
the Delaware River in historic Easton, Pennsylvania. While the stream
has a significant reproducing population of wild brown trout, conditions
in the creek have been degrading over the past 15 years. The lower
Bushkill meanders through mostly urban/suburban landscapes, which has
contributed significantly to the creek’s current lack in quality trout
habitat. One section that runs entirely through a public park system
within three separate municipalities has suffered the most. A
combination of bank erosion, sedimentation, and loss of its natural
thalweg, primarily caused by substantial amounts of run off from
upstream development and recent flood events, has led to the present
degraded condition. The 1.9-mile stretch is in desperate need of
restoration to bring macro-invertebrate and trout habitat back to a
truly “Class A” condition. The Forks of the Delaware Chapter is planning
a large-scale project that will involve conservation partners and state
and local agencies, but our first step is to make a thorough
science-based assessment of the creek. This entails identifying optimal
locations for installed structures and developing a list of materials,
equipment, and contractor hours needed to implement the restoration.
This initial planning stage is pivotal to the permitting process, which
will allow us to most effectively restore the riparian and in-stream
habitat of the Bushkill Creek.
Forks of the Delaware Chapter
Joseph Baylog
PO Box 467
Stockertown, PA 18083
Stockertown, PA 18083