On November 19th, a group of about 12 people gathered to try and clean up an area of the Monocacy creek that runs through Archibald Johnson Conservation Area. The focus was on an area downstream, (west) of Christian Springs Rd. (Click read more link below map for the full article).
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Below are some before/after pictures of work on one of the log jams.

Last major log just getting cleared
Most debris removed, water flowing freely. (View from bridge just behind log jam)
Two other log jams were opened, but not totally cleared due to the size of the logs and the depth/ swiftness of the water. This was a major undertaking, but the results were noticed almost immediately. The creek started flowing with greater volume in the original channel, and the flood water began to subside in the areas outside of the creek. Hopefully the renewed flow will help disperse the massive amount of sedimentation and the banks can begin to re-stabilize were the were being eroded.