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Friday, December 14, 2012

Monocacy Chapter Applies for Grant and other news...

In a last minute attempt to help the City of Bethlehem with it's Johnson Park Dam removal, Vicky Bastidas has been working overtime to get a grant proposal done.  The idea was posed early this week and the grant in due today, Dec. 14th.  The grant we are seeking is for $10,000, which will go towards construction costs.  The money is awarded through  The Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP)  which is a collaborative effort between the PA Fish & Boat Commission, PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds and Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited. In other news.....(click read more below)
Riparian Buffer resolution:

The Monocacy Chapter is also backing an effort by the MCWA to bring a resolution before Bethlehem City council which would recommend a 20 ft riparian buffer along the creek.  The resolution, which was drafted in 2010 by the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC), is an effort to get public and private landowners to preserve natural vegetation for 20ft on both sides of the creek.  The resolution would be only a recommendation, but is step in the right direction towards preserving and improving the health of the creek and watershed.
TU Flood Brochure 
Riparian Buffer Guidelines for PFBC-owned Properties
Pennsylvania Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual

Monocacy TU explores Trout in the Classroom:
The Monocacy chapter was lucky enough to welcome a new (to our Chapter) member who has experience with the Trout In the Classroom project, and he has offered to gather more information about starting up a site in the Bethlehem School District. Hopefully we can find a suitable site and secure the necessary resources to get a tank up and running.