Meeting will be held via Zoom, and a link will be emailed to members on Tuesday.
Meeting starts promptly at 7pm.
While a virtual meeting lacks the things we enjoy about in person meetings, it does make for a very accessible and still interactive presentation. The Zoom platform works on your phone, iPad, tablet, laptop or desktop and is very easy to use. If you have any questions about using Zoom, please reach out to prior to Tuesday, and we can walk you through the steps to get up and running.
Tim's presentation:
Trout Spey
Trout Spey is nothing new, it’s just a more effective way to swing flies like streamers, soft-hackles and classic wets. Yes, you can use it for nymphing and dry fly fishing, but swinging and stripping is where trout spey works best. The real difference comes when you employ either single-hand or two-hand spey casting techniques. These make for no back casts to worry about, much longer casts, easy, fast changes of cast direction, more effective mending and generally more relaxing fishing. Presentation is largely video-based but includes an equipment show-and-tell at the end.