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Friday, September 14, 2018

Volunteers Needed for habitat project

In- stream rock habitat project

 A local landowner who owns property on a section of the Monocacy Creek near Altoonah Rd, has reached out to local conservation groups to help complete an in- stream fish habitat project.  He is looking for at least 6 volunteers (working in pairs) for both Saturday, Sept. 22nd and Sun., Sept. 23.  Volunteers will need to be able to lift large rocks, and then place them in the stream.  Due to limited parking space, please don’t volunteer if you cannot assist.  If we get more than 6 per day, we can work in two shifts.  The exact details still need to be ironed out (start time, parking, etc.). Michael Harrington will be the point person on this project, and you can get in touch with him directly (email or call) if you are  interested in helpping out:

Michael Harrington 610-392-1428 (mobile)