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Friday, November 26, 2010

November 23rd meeting followup.

Greg Malaska, the new NEPA regional vice president of Trout Unlimited was our guest. Mr. Malaska also holds the positions of PA Membership Chair and Western Pocono Chapter President.

Mr. Malaska went on to discuss some of the agenda put forth by State Council, including Leadership and Fundraising training opportunities. Interested parties should speak with chapter president Steve Vanya. He also discussed chapter participation in state council meetings and seminars. Additional discussions were held on a Monocacy Membership committee, and the involvement of local educational resources in our work, with the suggestion of trying to engage both Lehigh University and Moravian College.

Chapter business included discussion of the questions regarding State Council By Laws change announcements. It has been clarified that the intent was not to change local By Laws that are working, but help address new issues by some chapters.

Erik Brosike summarized the current state of dam removal on Monocacy Creek. It has been noted there are six dams between the mouth at the Lehigh River and the start of the Gertrude Fox Conservation Area. We have been working with the City of Bethlehem to address the removal of the dam in  historic section of Bethlehem. Also brought forth was the idea that TU is assisting in the placement of diesease-resistant elm trees, and that discussions with the city arborist would take place to help further enhance this section of stream and increase riparian buffer.

Jeff Schaffer is working on programs and presentations for the next year. He's currently organizing presenter swaps with other local chapters, in which one of our members will speak at their meeting and in return a reciprocal event would take place for our members. Events are being finalized, and should begin in the meetings for the new year.

Gary Fenstermacher presented the opening version of website for discussion. Possibilities for future use were discussed, with ideas put forth to help raise awareness of TU and the Monocacy Chapter's focus on conservation and preservation of the Monocacy watershed in addition to informative articles on the larger aspects of fishing and regional, and national, conservation. At This time, Mr. Fenstermacher will serve in the role of site administrator, and any articles, information, or calendar events should be forwarded through President Vanya, Vice President Burger, or Treasurer Diehl. A request for relevant information, photos, stories and input has been put forth to try and make this a website that will grow with our chapter.

Erik Brosike put forth a brief presentation on the use of Kool Aide drink mix to dye materials for fishing lure manufacture. Examples were shown of natural and synthetic materials died in such a way.