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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Friends of Johnston Capital Campaign, 2/1/2014

The Johnston Estate, which is located in Bethlehem Township, is one of the most important parts of the Monocacy Creek.  It is here that spring water is forced to the surface, and energizes the creek with cold, clean water.  The importance of this part of the stream cannot be overstated. 

The good news is that over 100 acres has the chance to be preserved as part of a conservancy, which is a project that is being undertaken by Monocacy TU member Vicky Bastidas and the Friends of Johnston Estate.  The agreements are in place to make this happen, but a large hurdle is still ahead.  A $2 million dollar hurdle.  As a kick off to clear that hurdle the Friends of Johnston are hosting a Capital Campaign Event at 1311 Santee Mill Road Bethlehem, PA 18017, on FEB 1 1-2pm.  Please consider attending if you can.  PLEASE RSVP to

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